
Gender: Male
Age: 36
Orientation: Not sure
Dating status: Horny and ready
Body type: Athletic
Hair color: Black
Hair length: Short
Occupation: Self Employed
Country: Singapore
Sexual activity
Other - Oral Sex - Group Sex - Anal Sex - Exhibitionism - Submissive
Other - Romantic - Curious
My friends
  • jackfreak
    United States United States
  • Posted by jackfreak

    Daniel, sure do wish you would message me and tell me how we can communicate and get our freak on somehow, maybe live mutual masturbation videos? Would that be fuckin awesome Daniel? Thanks you for accepting my friend request. I can't believe I'm your only friend! Especially as fuckin sexy you are. It really turned me on watching your video jacking off, I'm fixin to watch it again and jack off while I watch you. Come on man, let's get our freak on together!

  • Posted by jackfreak

    Daniel, really enjoy watching you jerking off in that bathroom. I wish I could have been there with you so we could jerk off together and cum on each other. Damn, can you imagine how good that would feel? I'm fixin to watch your video again and jerk off. Wish you were watching.