
Peterpoo69United Kingdom
Gender: Male
Age: 44
Orientation: Heterosexual
Dating status: Single
Body type: Athletic
Hair length: Bald
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: Yes
Zodiac: Cancer
Twitter: heveanly sex if u ask nicely
Country: United Kingdom, Kent
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Other - Dominant - Anal Sex - Orgies - Pornography
Other - Affectionate - Dominant - Humorous - Faithful - Hard - Naughty - Dependable - Honest
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  • Posted by Peterpoo69

    really hARTE BBC SHIT. i RECKON THE BLONDE TWAT IS A DWARF MOSTLY BUT UA WHITEY HAVE THE MINERALS AND TOOL nO FISTING OR ANAL SHIT. aLWAYS END WITH SOGGY AND CUM SHOT iT SHOULD SO BE WRITTEN IT LAW. Fortunately the Rooco Siffredis and Piere Woodmans of this world put it all to shame. and shine a light. If this doesn't stop im ringing moses to make a new commandment. I challenge you bitches to take on the general