
mgschUnited States
Gender: Female
Age: 51
Orientation: Bisexual
Dating status: Horny and ready
Body type: Normal
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Blond
Hair length: Short
Drinking: Yes
Occupation: Working
Zodiac: Gemini
Country: United States
Sexual activity
Other - Oral Sex - Exhibitionism - Telephone Sex - Swallowing - Sex Toys - Outdoor Sex
Affectionate - Humorous - Romantic - Sensual - Curious - Naughty - Honest - Playful
Favorite videos
  • Posted by mgsch

    I am a married woman seeking a little adventure and fun. I am extremely horny and would love to experiment with some different partners. I have only ever had sex with men but am VERY curious about group sex and lesbian sex. Send me a sexy message!