
needxlargeUnited States
Gender: Male
Age: 43
Orientation: Homosexual
Dating status: Single
Body type: Normal
Hair color: Brown
Hair length: Short
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: Socially
Religion: No answer
Zodiac: Scorpio
Country: United States
Sexual activity
Oral Sex - Fetish - Group Sex - Gang Bang - Anal Sex - Orgies - Sex Toys - Pornography - Submissive
Romantic - Sensual - Curious
  • Posted by myazz4u

    you made the comment about a bottom geting an erection or staying soft,whatever,i know if a guy,i am a guy,fucks my ass right my hands could be tied to the head board and i can get an erection and even get off without my cock ever being touched,but if he's very big,i had a 10 and 1/2 inch cock slamming deep yeah he was more then i expected,it took him forever to cum,but my cock never got hard but i precummed alot !