I met this woman at a bar a couple weekends back. She was mad a her husband for cheating on her. We had a few drinks and talked for a while. I convinced her to go to my place after closing for a few more drinks. I proposed and idea to her. I suggested we make a video of me screwing her to give to her husband. She thought it was hilarious and agreed however she said she was not using birth control and didn't want to get pregnant so I could only screw her anally. I said no problem and set up the camera.
Where else can i find this video to download? It use to be free for members to download. She sounds exactly like my ex girlfriend Dorothy Niemeyer while talking and the noises she makes during sex. Same body type red hair and perm. She was also a stripper and was into group sex. This looks to be from the late 70's early 80's before we hooked up but she told me about a couple of bf's she had before we met and what she use to do with them. And you could be one of them. I'm hoping you have more videos to share of her. I have 4 that i recorded while we where together. You trained her well dude!