Posted by faggotpig Dec 25, 2018
Prostitute, whore, slut it’s good to know from an actual user,and the price is affordable, should look her up when in the area . As long as she knows what she is she should offer her amazing body to anyone wanting to use her. I think most of us would love to use her interesting slutty body. Thank you, Kathy, for sharing. Look forward to many more of your pictures.
Posted by ronxron1 Mar 12, 2017
this is a real honest to goodness married prostitute!! I live in apple valley and kathy is my friends wife. I spent qiuite a bit on her last summer. When he went to work I would drop by, hand her 2 twenty dollar bills to grab the whore by the hair and fuck her mouth. Best part is the cunt gets off on men who don't give a damn whether she likes it or not.. I had kathy crying more than once because I was too close to cumming to care if she had air or not - fuck the bitch, she took my money the very next day so why would i respect a whore like that!