
Gender: Female
Orientation: Not sure
Dating status: Single
Body type: Normal
Country: Spain
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  • Posted by jufor

    Ruego eliminen las fotos de este post, ya que son de mi esposa ERIKA de la cual ya he publicado fotos mas de una vez. Son un fraude estas, ya que quien las postea dice que son de esposa, y eso no es cierto
    Please delete the photos from this post, since they are of my wife ERIKA, of whom I have already published photos more than once. These are a fraud, since the person who posted them says they are from his wife, and that is not true.

  • Posted by Bigboyloose

    You are one sexy woman I would love to talk more to you. Hope we can be friends on here. Talk to you soon sexy

  • Posted by Kiwi50

    Very nice.
    Check my profile to see if you like my cock too.