
Fleshforfantasy3United States
Gender: Female
Age: 45
Orientation: Bisexual
Dating status: Unfaithful
Body type: Chubby
Eye color: Blue/Green
Hair color: Blond
Hair length: Short
Occupation: Self Employed
Country: United States
Sexual activity
Other - Fetish - Group Sex - Gang Bang - Anal Sex - Exhibitionism - Swinger - Orgies - Sex Toys - Voyeurism - Bondage - Pornography - Outdoor Sex - Submissive - Lacquer and Leather - Role Playing
Other - Bitchy - Sensual - Hard - Naughty - Shy - Playful
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  • Posted by Parkplatzfickstute

    Sorry,this Comment is in German... ich denke du siehst sehr geil aus,und deine einstellung ist sehr geil.ich bin neidisch auf deine titten.so hätte ich meine auch gerne.

  • Posted by Parkplatzfickstute

    hello new friend.

  • Posted by Tommythecat

    I'd love to lick your hot pussy and lick up your pussy juice from your sexy ass.

  • Posted by 007Naughtyboy

    You look very, very sexy; and I love a girl who likes to make a man pump cum .....I need to feel mine pumping now and you could make me throb so hard!....Look at my legs in the photo - Stand astride them and move up as close as you can, then lower yourself down and very slowly - we'll ease the end into your lovely tight pussy, and then lets enjoy the fun and excitement of slowly giving each other a good long sexy fucking. - - But you won't be getting it slowly for long. - - Soon I'll just have to thrust every inch as hard and deep as I can into your lovely tight pussy; - again - - and again - - and again .... .Oooooohh! ....Yes, yes....You're brain will go numb, your legs open wide, your pussy push up, and you just won't be able to stop yourself taking more and more and more and more and more and more hard cock.