
HornyBillUnited Kingdom
Gender: Male
Age: 68
Orientation: Bisexual
Dating status: Married
Body type: Chubby
Eye color: Blue/Gray
Hair color: Blond
Hair length: Long
Zodiac: Scorpio
Country: United Kingdom, London
Sexual activity
Other - Oral Sex - Dominant - Fetish - Group Sex - Anal Sex - Exhibitionism - Swinger - Telephone Sex - Swallowing - Orgies - Voyeurism - Bondage - Pornography - Outdoor Sex - Submissive - Lacquer and Leather - Role Playing
Other - Dominant - Humorous - Sensual - Curious - Playful
Favorite videos
  • Posted by HornyBill

    My kind of heaven would be a stranger's cock deep inside my ass, his wife's wet pussy riding on my tongue and an unseen hand jerking me off.