
Johnyblaze79United States
Gender: Female
Age: 43
Orientation: Heterosexual
Dating status: Married
Body type: Half-slim
Eye color: Green/Brown
Hair color: Black
Hair length: Long
Smoking: Socially
Drinking: Socially
Occupation: Working
Religion: No answer
Zodiac: Aquarius
Country: United States, New York
About me

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Sexual activity
Other - Oral Sex - Group Sex - Anal Sex - Swinger - Sex Toys
Affectionate - Dominant - Humorous - Hard - Dependable - Playful
Favorite videos
  • Posted by Plumbertim502

    Love your video, very nice ass and pussy looks beautiful, nice fuck video

  • Posted by Johnyblaze79

    I gave swapsmut 2 videos with a good amount of pics to get this free reward of vip to give it a shot and still nothing im about to switch sites i mean why share and receive nothing like they said would happen... still waiting