
billbowzerUnited States
Gender: Male
Age: 60
Orientation: Heterosexual
Dating status: Unfaithful
Body type: Chubby
Eye color: Blue/Green
Hair length: Bald
Drinking: Sometimes
Occupation: Self Employed
Country: United States, Texas
About me

VIP only


VIP only

Looking for

VIP only

Like to

VIP only

Sexual activity
Other - Oral Sex - Dominant - Fetish - Group Sex - Spanking - Gang Bang - Exhibitionism - SM - Swinger - Telephone Sex - Orgies - Sex Toys - Voyeurism - Bondage - Pornography - Outdoor Sex - Submissive - Role Playing - Tattoos
Other - Dominant - Humorous - Curious - Hard - Naughty - Honest - Playful
My friends
  • Posted by Area64

    Very hot profile photo...

  • Posted by SexyMilf1

    Yes I love to be used for hours ! Thx For the Comment ! Jen

  • Posted by MiracleZak

    I just email you.