
Gender: Female
Age: 56
Orientation: No answer
Dating status: Married
Body type: Chubby
Eye color: Green
Hair color: Brown
Hair length: Long
Drinking: Socially
Occupation: Working
Religion: No answer
Zodiac: Aquarius
Country: Canada, Alberta
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Other - Oral Sex - Fetish - Group Sex - Gang Bang - Exhibitionism - Swinger - Swallowing - Orgies - Sex Toys - Voyeurism - Pornography - Outdoor Sex
Other - Affectionate - Humorous - Romantic - Faithful - Sensual - Curious - Naughty - Shy - Honest - Playful - Soft
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  • Posted by Kiwi50

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    Let's find out how hard you can cum all over my face.
    Check my posts to see if you like my cock?