
wifey08United Kingdom
Gender: Female
Age: 53
Orientation: No answer
Dating status: Married
Body type: Slim
Hair color: Black
Hair length: Long
Smoking: Sometimes
Drinking: Sometimes
Occupation: Working
Country: United Kingdom, Sheffield
Sexual activity
Other - Oral Sex - Spanking - Sex Toys - Pornography - Outdoor Sex - Role Playing
Other - Romantic - Sensual - Naughty - Shy - Playful
My galleries
  • Posted by PregHunter

    Mmmmmm beautiful, and nearby

  • Posted by 007Naughtyboy

    WOW! - You're so hot and I need a good orgasm every day ..... Ooooooh please, please,...I need sex now and you could make me throb so hard!....Look at my legs in the photo - Stand astride them and move up as close as you can, then lower yourself down and very slowly - we'll ease the end of my big hard penis into your lovely tight pussy, and then lets enjoy the fun and excitement of slowly give each other a good long sexy fucking. - Soon I'll just have to thrust every inch as hard and deep as I can into your lovely tight pussy; - again - - and again - - and again. Oooooohh!....Your legs will open wide, your pussy push up - you just won't be able to stop yourself taking every inch.

  • Posted by Funfinder69

    Nice assetts